Safely Tow a Trailer in Rainy Weather

The time will inevitably come when trailer users have to tow a trailer in rainy weather. Towing a trailer on a perfectly sunny day can be stressful enough, so when extra obstacles like rain or snow are added it’s important to ensure that you’re extra careful. There are additional safety concerns to contend with, like limited visibility and slippery roads, when the thunder begins to roll. However, as long as you’re prepared beforehand and stay focused on the road ahead, you’ll be able to get yourself, your trailer and your cargo to your destination safely.

Before You Take to the Road

Invest in Trailer Rain Gear

There are upgrades and add-ons you can purchase for both your trailer and tow vehicle that will make it easier and safer to tow a trailer in rainy weather. One of these options is new tires. Consider tires with a deeper tread that will help your trailer grip the road in slick conditions. The same goes for your tow vehicle. Even if you’d rather not invest in rain-specific tires, it’s important to check up on them and ensure they’re not balding. This is essential for safe driving even on dry days.

Inspect Your Trailer

While you should inspect your trailer before any long or bumpy trip, it’s even more important if you plan to tow your trailer in rainy weather. Make sure your lights are working on both the trailer and tow vehicle. This will help your visibility on cloudy days, and help other drivers see you on the road. Next, double check the hitch and towing chains for any loose connections or other issues. Finally, make sure that your tires are properly inflated and in good condition.

Prep Your Tow Vehicle for Rain

Another huge safety concern when it comes to both driving and pulling a trailer in rainy weather is the decreased visibility. Ensure that your windshield wipers are in good condition, and replace them if necessary. You can also consider rain-repellant windshield sprays like Rain-X, which will encourage the water droplets to quickly slide off the windows.

Aside from windows and wipers, you should check the tires on your tow vehicle. This is similar to your trailer tire check. Ensure that they’re inflated to the proper psi, replace worn down tires, and inspect them for any damage.

While Towing in the Rain

Drive Slow

Whether you’re towing a trailer or just driving in the rain, it’s always a good idea to slow down. You’ll have decreased visibility and the roads will be slick with rainwater. Slow driving will help you stay in control. You’ve got thousands of pounds of weight attached to the back of your vehicle. So, slowing down when hitched to a trailer should be a priority in any weather. Wet roadways and low visibility just makes this more important.

The safest method is to slow down, turn on your headlights and drive with caution.

Pull Over if Necessary

Lastly, remember to pull over if the weather gets too rough. Keep both yourself and other drivers safe by knowing when to pull into a parking lot or stop on the shoulder. It can be difficult to see in heavy rainstorms, and strong wind can be dangerous to tow in – especially if you have a tall trailer. It’s always better to arrive later than to injure yourself or others, or do damage to your truck and trailer.

If you’re in search of trailers for sale in Illinois, or if you need trailer service and parts, Kate’s Trailer Sales will be happy to help! Our team can help you find a new trailer, or we can upgrade the one you already have. We offer tow vehicle service, like hitch installations and vehicle brake controllers, to help you tow safely. Our service team can also replace your trailer tires to ensure you’re ready for any wet weather, snow or rain! Stop by our Illinois trailer dealership when you’re ready to get started.

Need a New Trailer?

Check out our full trailer inventory online today! We have trailers from top brands like Load Trail, Aluma, Cross Trailers, Midsota, H&H, Lamar and more. You can also shop by trailer type with our open, enclosed, dump and gooseneck categories on our website. Contact us online or stop by our Illinois trailer dealership when you’re ready to make a purchase.